by wordsmith | Jan 9, 2018 | News
As one of the only nanny agencies in the UK to specialise in bilingual childcare, we thought we’d start the year by reviewing some of the most useful languages for your child (or anyone else, for that matter!) to learn in 2018. In first place, it has to be Mandarin....
by wordsmith | Oct 16, 2017 | News
For many years Mandarin Chinese has been touted as the language of the future, the key to business success in the years to come. Indeed, many independent schools already teach Mandarin to GCSE and A level. There is no doubt that knowledge of this language is a huge...
by wordsmith | Oct 10, 2017 | News
This month, new research from Georgetown University indicates that there might be some truth to the idea that bilingual students will find language learning easier, as they get older. The idea that early bilingualism helps with learning languages later in life, is...
by wordsmith | Jul 15, 2017 | News
While it is obvious that the ability to speak a second language can be of immense benefit personally and professionally throughout ones life, academics have also found that the process of learning another language may have a significant effect on a child’s overall...
by wordsmith | Feb 28, 2017 | News
Several years ago, in 2013, the British Council published a report which outlined which languages would be most in demand in the next few decades. This is extremely relevant in 2017 for policy makers in education if our schools are to prepare students adequately for...
by wordsmith | Feb 28, 2017 | News
It may seem like a statement of the obvious, but it’s good to be able to confirm what we already suspected: Challenging young children to do things they might not seem ready for (eg learning a new language!), is definitely the best approach, according to a new study...